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I stand by my reference to Alan Hansen. Why shouldn't I?

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10ClarionSt | 22:23 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I withdraw nothing, nor make any apologies for my statements about Alan Hansens conduct in 1978 after he moved to Liverpool. There is no confusion between him and the guy from St. Louis. Do me a favour for fks sake.


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why is this a big deal? if he commited a crime over 30 years ago does that make him a monster now?
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i know you and i don't doubt you, people just want to make theirselves puffed up and important, I won't suggest you ignore it cos I wouldn;t,

10Clarion - why don't you ask the manager at your local Morrisons . . . he will tell you the truth.
But you haven't actually produced any evidence so it makes it a bit difficult to believe on just your say so.
I still don't believe it!!

I have googled and found nothing!!

A thing like this the media would never let it lie!!
I can sort of see where 10CSt is coming from- hello there by the way!

There's nothing more annoying than knowing you know summet but can't find owt to back yourself up.

Personally, i couldn't give a monkeys fart whether he's done anything or not, but good luck anyway 10CSt in your search to find summet :-)
10Clarion - I did suggest you asked the Editor to pull this thread. If you type Alan Hansen Southport Beach into Google, it puts you. in an extremely embarrassing position.
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This is just the sort of thing that the press would get hold of with glee. If you honestly believe this to be true, give The Sun a ring. They're bound to want to follow a story like this up.
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Absolutely shocking, he`s been caught out of position, his team-mates are nowhere to be seen, totally exposed...terrible!
I cannot produce anything to back it up it was so long ago. But this story does ring a bell with me.He was never a mega star though was he? So he wouldn't attract big headlines like Best or other top players of that era would.
Clarion...your lot...Ferdy, Anderson, Ronaldo, Nani, Ronney...all gangbangers etc.......u shud keep your gob shut
neo, have you noticed there is no longer any talk about the Fergie/Macmanus/Magnier dispute about his shares in the racehorse Rock Of Gibraltar?

I heard Macmanus and Magnier sent a man to meet Fergie with an option to choose a "filly"...he put 3 envelopes down on the table and told Fergie to pick the 3 envelopes were pictures of Fergie and a hooker at it

Nothing been said about it since
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I stand by my reference to Alan Hansen. Why shouldn't I?

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