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Man's naked bum

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meglet | 01:33 Sat 29th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Just seen this advert on telly.

Not nearly enough of this kind of thing on teliy I say! (and if Red was around she would agree)


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Knobby - hopefully there won't be any white bits on you!!!
come fly with me pasta lol

love the south coast
LOL @ Ice!!......why me willie-I am probably old enough to be your ma....or grannie-lol!!
Thanks willie - that reminded me of what i was going to ask - if she wants to say - where on the south coast ARE you, P?
be serious for once in your life knob lol

I am in glorious Plymouth,hun
pasta i'll be your toy boy lol

have you been the channel isles?
its the pilgrims progress
Lol willie!!
I bet it's a lot nicer than OUR Plymouth, P. xx
AAwwww,willie-I will have to give that some thought, and no-I have not been to the Channels
brilliant places Pasta, although there's been a lot in the papers recently about them - which ISN'T so nice!
I hear Worcestershire is nice this time of year.
Yikes!!!!! ....I thought I WAS in OUR Plymouth!!.......where am I then??? Help!
Its probblably a bit late to say this now but icy the only white bits on me will be you (whoops sorry but just had to say that)

And you know that I said that mucking about.
Pmsl knobby - I'm quite brown for once! All those Alpine rays!

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Man's naked bum

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