Today I was at London Liverpool St waiting to get a train, and popped into WHSmith to get a book for the journey, upon going to the till, the young girl there continued to chat to her male co worker (also on the till) about how she was going out drinking tonight. She completely ignored me until she'd finished her conversation, before finally turning to me, surly faced, to serve me. Couldn't wait to get out of there!! I find that totally unacceptable, as at my Saturday job we're constantly expected to provide a high level of customer service, being polite and friendly (at Debenhams.) What are everyone else's experiences concerning shop assistants?
I hate it when they're rude. Or when they manage to serve you, take your money, give you change, all without looking at you once. It must be special training!
I went to Wheherspoons yesterday for a bar lunch.
Choice with the meal was Tea or Coffee.
The meal arrived.
But no tea / Coffee.
The girl who served me stated we dont do Table service .????
You just brought me my meal and you say you dont do Table service.?????.
I will say this she not only was Very Rude but both of my barrels were loaded .
I ended up with a full refund ...Not my intention but .
What the Hell.
Hope she is sitll there the next time i visit. and has the same attatude.
If I was ignored in a shop, I'd walk out and go elsewhere. If that wasn't possible, I'd say very loudly - "Excuse me - I take it you like working here......" which'd hopefully make them think!
Fortunately, I don't meet many rude shop assistants, but I found someone similar when i phoned the P.O. Customer Services Dept. I told her outright that she was being very rude and unhelpful, and then demanded to speak to her superior. Her attitude changed straight away!