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Generalist March Issue (last month)

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taize | 23:59 Thu 27th Mar 2008 | Crosswords
24 Answers
Has Prospect magazine acknowledged the error in their puzzle?

the answers to last month's puzzle are printed with this month's ....

13a) is given as Goban SAor

10d) is given as ..... AnOnaceae

the capital letters intersect in the puzzle .... BUT the letters are not the same !

How can their be a winner, with such an error?


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The reason why a comp should not be declared null and void is because people have taken trouble to solve it and (petty, I know) paid for a stamp to send their entry off.

The Generalist is fun to do and I see no reason to complain at all. Yes, it's sloppy and not good enough (so why not fire off a letter to the editor?) but it's quite clear that the form is that you get the answers from where you can (your own head, reference books, Google, AB etc) and then chuck in your entry.

If you really want to make the day of the person who draws the winner (possibly a junior on work experience!) you can write them an essay about why you disagree with the solution to 35ac.

Or you can simply accept that as with all crosswords, the ultimate determinant of who wins is the luck of the draw.
Plus.. I doubt many of us actually buy the magazine but download the crossword so unless you actually subscribe to or buy Prospect Mag I think it's a pretty poor show to complain. After all not many publications put their prize crosswords on the web for free.Far worse things to worry in the world about than jumping up and down stamping your feet over a crossword . It's all ephemera really . Just a pleasant diversion ,done sent in and forgotten about until someone starts a petty war about it .
"Not fair ..not fair " little children in the playground .
.But ...if you feel so strongly about it complain to the editorial staff at Prospect and let us know their response .I wait with bated breath ...
To err is human to forgive is divine other words get over it .

The Listener lot are bad enough without Generalist fans descending into pettiness..I've won it twice's just the luck of the draw .
Belated congrats to greyfox ...well done .
Thanks, Shaneystar2 - you've just saved me making an almost identical posting!
Thank you shaney. Your post nicely put this supposed controversy into perspective and I'm inclined to agree re. your Listener comments too.

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