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Sports AB

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4GS | 10:13 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I'm trying to reply to someone on SAB but keep getting an error message.

I've got your 'hotmail' addy, so I'll email you


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Good idea. :-)
Question Author
That's what I thought logic

PS morning :-))
G/morning buddy.
was that a smile logic?? at 9.17 on a monday morning??

surely not!

morning 4GS, sounds like a good idea if SB not working
Question Author
Hi red,
check your 'inbox' mate ;-)
Isn't it heaven now all the orrible kids ave gone back to school, sorta peaceful, mind you i spose there teaching the little B******s how to become more efficient vandals.
John , have you tried a direct reply because I get the error doing that , if I go to friends list and click to send them a reply it does send , just might be that ;-) xxxxx
yes it was red and iv'e just explained why. :-) :-) :-)
I have not been able to get into Sports for a long while now!!!

I have just about given up.
Don't you think your'e a little old to be getting into sports :-)
Not as old as you buddy!!!!
lol logic, i take it you had problems over school holidays did you?

4GS, nowt in my inbox :(
funnygirl just got a pm off to you apparantly OK just have a look in sports,
we always do red, It's like a war zone here during the hols.
Cannot access Sports here at works and I'm lucky if I can get in at home.

I will try though.
Sfunny, i had no probs at all.
Lucky you!! (said wryly)
still nothing :(

logic, its usually the time when fire calls go up here so it has its benefits lol
My sports worked quicker than it usually does, no problem.

Good morning all! :-)

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