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Distant friends

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4GS | 12:54 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I have a friend who I lost contact with a couple of years ago, then yesterday I got an email from her, she'd got in touch with a mutual friend who knows us both and hey presto out of the blue she gets back in touch. She's a nurse now living in Austrailia with her partner.

Have you ever had someone you thought you'd never hear from again suddenly/unexpectedly get in touch?


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Yes John and it ain't always such a good thing!!!
How lovely though for you :)
Hi, 4GS! Good weekend?

Yes, I have. Through facebook, actually, and only last week. I was really good friends with a guy at school and we lost touch almost straight away when we left, but he messaged me last week and I was really chuffed! I had been searching for him on there on and off for a while, and apparently he'd been trying to find someone still in contact with me. He was meant to come and see me on Saturday night when I was out, though, but never showed. He always was an unreliable sod. :)
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I'd agree with that Legend ^^^
only old school friends, any other friends I;ve had out of school dont lose touch.
the girl who was my best friend at school lost touch when she went to uni at 18. 14 years later she contacted me via friends reunited as i had just registered.

We chatted via msn where i found out she was living abroad. She was about to marry and invited me to her wedding but i couldnt get time off.

I met her a year later at her babys christening and then after that she visited me at home. It was great how we just slipped back into that easy going friendship.

We still email but havnt had a chance to meet up at all since then
was that when you ended up being sick on front door step. Yer just like old times red

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Distant friends

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