Max that is so funny but cruel. but I am laughing my head off at that one. The mobile one is good but ONLY if you have two working mobile phones at the side of each other. It is HILARIOUS to hear your friends in a panic.
I have also done the Liz thing for Buckingham Palace, the other thing you could do is Clarence House and to ask for Andy or Eddie (Andrew or Edward)
I am going to make Tilly scrambled eggs in the monring with a BIG F*** OFF spider in the middle ! A plastic one of course.
Come on guys, lets think of some really good evil stuff that will have us in BITS !
Hiya, its Max, I have been in the cells all night. having been arrested on suspicion of Robbery. I feel so ill. I have only been able to make ONE phone call but cant get through to you. Do you think you could ring my Mum and ask her if she will bring me some fags and clean clothes. I am due in Court at around 11 a.m to see if my Solicitor can get Bail for me. Thanks a milliion, you are TRUE FRIEND. Max.
lol! I can't ask them to ring my mum, she's in France and doesn't speak english! Plus, I wouldn't want her to get worried.
I could give them each other's numbers though, as they don't know each other! Saying, please call X, he told me his brother is a solicitor, I need help! lol
It was about texting your mates and saying you'd been arrested, and could they call a certain number as you're not allowed to use your phone anymore...