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SKA | 14:15 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
It's so cool, I'm sitting in my office playing with some from a kit kat!!
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Myself of course
This is already my favourite post of the week! Shame it hurts my face to laugh today.
Errrr I love making small creatures out of the lump of blu tack on my desk.
pen lids...................... i could suck on em for ages???
Linda lusardi.
are you straighting out with the tip of your fingernail?
Oooh good one ruge, I love them too! :)
I love to vacuum up a penny at work then shout,oops,whose lost a �2 coin to 68 lads.
i mean the foil...
ska's been eating kit kats,
Paper lolly sticks - if you suck them you can unroll it into one long piece of paper.
dam..............that nearly gave me the horn jane??
what imagination you lot must have.
ooopps sorry rugeley.
folding crisp packets into little triangles
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lol yes Jane with my nails

yinyang - I love unrolling the lolly paper too!
I love popping the bubbles on the bubble wrap!!!
-- answer removed --
My family :-) hate bubble wrap with a passion.

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