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r u good at maths

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kawa4 | 22:23 Sun 30th Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
3 ppl buy a tv 4, 30 quid, at a cost of 10 quid each. as they leave the shop the manager comes back and says 2 his staff i see u sold that tv. yes said one of them 4. 30 quid. he said it was on sale 4 25 quid. catch them up and give them 5 quid change. the sale's person ran after them putting 2 quid in his pocket and gave them 3 quid back. meaning thay spent 9quid each. so 3x9=27 2quid in his pocket =29. where is the other quid.


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In the salesmans Poket.
Or should he have given them the �5.00 and allowed them to sort it.????
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The TV was �30, which the people originally paid.

Having realised the TV should have been �25, the assistant refunds the people �3, which means the people have paid �27 for a �25 TV.

The riddle is deliberately set out to 'trick' your brain into trying to make a mathematical equation that does not add up.

�30 (original price) minus �5 (discounted amount) equals �25 plus �3 (refunded amount) equals �28 plus �2 (the stolen amount the people think have gone toward the price of the TV) equals �30.

He had two pounds so the three others must have paid �28 between them not �27.
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sorry invisible. i think ur right im new 2 this site
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Just cut the cr@p and tell us where the shop is. I'll give them �40 for a tv and they can keep any change.

Actually, I'll bring �200 and get five.
smart arses :)))) thick as two short planks me x
Question Author
thank's invisible. whickerman -shanx u made i laf. im of nite all
"r u good at maths"

I know enough to count my money and other peoples' lol.

Welcome to this site, Kawa4!
Hope to meet you in maths class. ;-)
are you good at computing?

some little arzwipe has been on my machine and now the google main page opens in (BLACK)

as im not a wizard 'can anyone help me?

id have posted this in the tech department but its much better fun here lol
wee willie

The black screen was for that eco hour thing

Actually - if it was black all the time (and it can be - see ) it would save energy google_wo.php

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r u good at maths

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