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lankeela | 19:20 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I am suffering with pain in my right leg, not excrutiating pain like I had when I put my back out, but aching that will not go away, and at night I cannot sleep because I can't lay either on the right leg or with my leg stretched out, the only comfortable position being on my left side with my right leg tucked up almost under my knee.

I have been taking ibruprofen type pain killers which eases it, but whenever I get up from sitting or lying it takes me a while to get mobile.

Any tips to treat or cure this?


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I think you have to pummel your (right) buttock with your (or someone elses fist) to stop the spasm in the sciatic nerve! Also if you lay on your back and raise one knee up and then roll over to the opposite side and touch the knee on the floor whilst keeping shoulders flat on floor and repeat with the other side a few times, it helps to relieve pressure on nerves as well (also good for backache). This site was advertised on page Hope it gets better soon.
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Thanks I'll have a look and give it a try.
I had the exact same problem at the beginning of February, lankeela, the pain was excrutiating and could only get comfortable by sitting in the same position as you described.

I eventually relented and went to the doctor service and I got:

Diclofenac painkillers
Tramacet painkillers
Diazepam (I didn't know the effects of this until my colleague woke my from my desk half an hour after taking it LMAO!)

Gradually over the course of around 1 week I started to get better, but I also made an appointment with a chiropractor for when I was not feeling any pain at all (no way was anyone touching me while I was in such pain LOL!) and she has helped loads too, I haven't had so much as a twinge since then.

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