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I have THE answer !

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funkymoped | 13:41 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
i know why the world is in the state it is.

its because WOMEN arent MEN.

IF we could give women a little bit of MAN knowledge and reasoning, this world would be PERFECT !!

so simple...


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ya know funky, i reckon you could be right!

You men are so clever!!

You ALWAYS know to blame US when things go wrong, (even though you KNOW its YOUR fault) You know to blame us when YOU forget to do something or are just plain thoughtless but if we mention it we are nagging ;-) and you turn a deaf un'! Hmmmmm, it sure is a mans world !

All said "nagging" is met with "bloody women" and thats that!

Yep, i would say you men have plenty of knowledge, well thats what we like you to think anyway!

WE the fairer sex, know better though

;-) oh and its a good job i like ya !

Its a mans world alright. Thats precisely WHY its a mess.
Well if men think with their appendage , I wouldn't want that knowledge !

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