Waking up during night by dizzy sensation? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Waking up during night by dizzy sensation?

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maxwellsmart | 09:06 Thu 25th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Once or twice over the past two weeks I have been awakened shortly after falling asleep by a dizzyness in my head which feels like the blood is swishing through my head and brain and feel very loose throughout my body...has anyone experienced anything like this?
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Yes, but mine is caused by the menopause
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maxwell - This is a case for your GP to take up - please make an appointment with him/her, ASAP.
I've had something similar to this happen a few years ago,  I'd be woken up by a strong 'pulsing' sensation through my head.  I thought I was having a stroke, but it turned out to be caused by a trapped nerve, thank God.  I went to my GP straight away, and so should you.  Take care xx

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