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bobtheturkey | 16:50 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
rather be a penguin or a camel


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Bit bloody cold in penguin land for me bob and i am a bit of an expert at getting the hump so its a camel for me!
A giraffe
I'd be a newt, just because I have absolutely no idea what it is. And I'm not looking it up, cos I like not knowing! :O)
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just like being as "drunk" as one eh max?
a penguin. and I'd be a rockhopper penguin.
max I used to collect newts out the drains near my house when little. They are cute
Humph Jules! I'm not giving you anymore flat pack furniture advice! :O(
drunk as a skunk
A camel and have the hump!!!
Err funnygirl what do you mean by HUMP ?
the thing you have every morning logic. lol
AW forget tut tut, after i came on here this morning all cheerful like.
Given the fact I would not particularly like being whipped by a greasy Arab, let alone having his unwiped bottom sitting on my back, I would have to opt for penguin mode.

Nowt wrong with a bit of cold.
one o those wee skating penguins from the advert - awwwww
Probably a penguin as I wouldn't want to look like a camel lol xx
Much rather be a penguin! Couldn't bear all those oversized botties sitting on me for joy rides!

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