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Ring of fire

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4GS | 12:21 Tue 01st Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I've got a pretty bad head cold, last night I made an extra hot chilli co carne, now I'm afraid to sneeze :-((


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a tried and tested cure for a head cold is lots of marmite. apprently it stops the cold heading anywhere near your head (must be the smell or something)
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I'd rather poke my eyes out with a rusty nail than eat Marmite red

Take redcrx off christmas card list
same here.

how about a cork?
There is only one thing for it...............

You're gonna have to sit on the loo all day in case you sneeze!!!!
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Puts redcrx back on christmas card list
No, if it ricochet it might kill the cat
Sorry john , I can't stop laughing .....
you should go to the bakery and buy lots of pies pasties and cream cakes, you should bt ok by tomorrow morning : ))
Hope you feel better soon John - in the meantime keep the toilet free! ;o$

My brain cells still havent returned, I was wondering how eating a cork would help when red suggested that after suggesting marmite. Took me a few minutes to realise she didnt mean to eat it! lol
euwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol @ phychick
lol psy!

have you seen the update on baby CRX, youll probably fall for that one too :)
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I think red meant I was to eat the cork using my arse ;-))
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mccfluff, I assumed he wouldve put the cork in his mouth before it had gone anywhere else!! lol At least we would hope so :S

Yes, yes, 4GS, I worked it out......... eventually lol

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter btw red ;)

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Ring of fire

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