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Creaky neck

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pastafreak | 21:15 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
I have been under a bit of stress lately,and it always affects me this case in my neck and shoulders.My muscles are very tight and stiff,and I keep hunching my shoulders up. In the past week or so I have developed a "creaking" sensation and sound in my is as if the vertabrae are clicking or rubbing together. Not painful....but very unsettling. Any recomendations to help relieve this??


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hi pasta, you could try those wheat sacks, the ones you heat in the microwave? Ive heard theyre really good for easing tension away
I do that too when stressed, I haunch up and its normally one side of my neck
A massage maybe?
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I do have one of those heat packs.....I will try it tonight as I sit hunched over the laptop!!!...and a massage sounds great!...but is there any particular type that would work best!!.....and i always worry that after a massage i will feel wonderful for a bit-and then the tension will come right back!
I've mentioned my neck problems on AB previously and have had NHS physio, acupuncture, anti-inflammatories etc.

The best things though have been spending less time on the computer (hard, I know), warm wheat sacks (thanks to fellow ABers for recommending this one!), massages and going to a chiropractor (far better than the physios, who basically said 'you're stressed - change job!')

The 'cracking' sounds are not dangerous, just a sign of your muscles being tensed up.

Most important thing, though, is to keep it moving - keeping still just makes the pain and stiffness worse. Yoga and Pilates are good for loosening up.

Hope you feel better soon...
I'm probably one of the few people that actually hates massages. I have a bad back and they always manage to lean on the most painful bit! But speak to a reputable beauty therapists that do them and if they have trained masseurs they'll know which one will suit (not that I can ever tell the difference between them anyway...)
i find going swimming tends to chill me out when stressed.
it helps with my achey muscles.
Yoga is brilliant for such problems. I am a bit biased having practised and also taught it for over 30 years or so. Worth finding a local class.
Not this pasty is it I suffer from this. s/Indices/A/arthritis_neck.htm

Do you hear and feel like a chrunching if you roll your head around in a circle.

You know what I mean.
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ooo-that is a bit scarey,knobs.....I don't have pain,thank goodness-just tension. I think I need some sort of violent target practice-so i can get rid of my stress-lol!

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Creaky neck

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