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Celeb relations??

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hollie1586 | 01:57 Wed 02nd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
is anyone closely or distantly related to any celebrities??
i am related to Jane Horrocks somewhere along the line. we found out when she did an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?, when she found out about horrocks' who owned mills in lancashire, same as my family and there was only 1 family of horrocks' who owned mills at the same time!


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im sure im NOT related to any celebs. my surname is pretty rare and other than the couple of times i have seen it, and its not family connected, its been used in pretty good company !
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?!?!?!?! lol
my wife is related to Kim Wilde. She is her second cousin twice removed apparently, whatever that means!!!!
Catherine Zeta-Jones is a distant relative of mine - something like she's my mum's, cousin's neice or something daft like that. Not a real relation really.
tigersam, does your wife get discount at Holland and Barrett? ;-)
No. My best mates aunt is that dippy one on loose woman that was in corrie as reg's wife
Oh and my great great great (dont know how many) grandfather founded Haleys comet
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my friends cousin used to play for bradford bulls a few years ago. cant remember his name
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my uncles father in law managed ABBA and he also worked on the production for Thunderbirds!
my sis in laws great grandad worked with einstein
Natalie......haha. unfortunately not. obviously on the wrong side of the family

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