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trunks_ssj | 09:42 Fri 26th Nov 2004 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
Are humans the only species on earth to have sexual intercousre facing each other.  Eye-to-eye?
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I believe that some species of ape have face-to-face intercourse, but I can't swear to it.

Click for a web-page that suggests whales mate face-to-face...or at least belly-to-belly, if not exactly eye-to-eye.


for a web-page on the mating habits of the bonobo chimpanzee. Given that it seems to spend its entire life copulating, it's not surprising that front-to-front caught on! This confirms what Andy said above.

Bonobos, sometimes known as Pygmy chimpanzees, copulate face to face. Bonobos are now known to be our closest relatives, according to DNA studies.

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