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4getmenot | 10:58 Fri 04th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
So whats anyone up to at weekend. I'm gonna be watching grandnational, hope my horse comes in and a meal with mates tomorrow night and maybe a new nibling :-)


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its Mr CRXs fault im like this in first place! There is no way hes getting his jollies now, no matter how desperate i get!
Good God nat, were you hanging off the chandelier?

tried that and it resulted in me pulling ligaments down my right hand side

PS That hormone on sperm also acts as a moisturiser,

Thats what I used to tell the girls in my younger days ;-)
It contains vitamin E so you were partly right. I'll stick to Nivea though if you don't mind ;-P

(sorry 4get!)
No way!!!!

So I was actually telling the truth and not winding them up??

Well I never...

*shakes head in disbelief*
Ha 4GS , the lubricating vitamin E that I got is now 23 years old !
If the baby decides to not settle after her night feed for the thrid night running, Im starting tomorrow with a lie in! I try and avoid making plans because they always go wrong :(

I have warned my boyfriend though that I want to have another good clear out this weekend which means runs to the tip for him. He loves runs to the tip really hehe.

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