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i reckon

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bobtheturkey | 22:53 Fri 04th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
its him because if she said to him before she then said to her mate, then it must mean that she knew her mate would know him and would tell her other mate thereby meaning that her mates mate didn't tell him to begin with

is it thora hird?


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personally I have never been so disgusted as when a strange man told me he was going to do a tom tit in some undergrowth
Very dark but not cremated. I prefer anchor to lurpak though.
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Warburtons toasty loaf with Clover , altogether now....
♪ ♫ We all love Clover ......♫♪
lol @ cazzz

and hey mamma cool wee tune thingies lol

dont misss the gossip


im still waiting :-)
WELL !!!

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i reckon

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