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ahhhh plant a seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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dot.hawkes | 23:26 Fri 04th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
i get it now, i know what is going on, anyone who wants the gen send me an amail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Going on with what??????x
I don't have any seeds to plant :o(
Question Author
I meant email, not amail, katie did you really ask? lol bet that was interesting!!!
Yes I really really did ask.x
I just did that, hope it was clear enough dot :-)
Evening! Dot - here's a link to one of the brochures I was telling you about. The book itself is better than the website actually, so you might like to send for one and browse through their entire range - if they still do it that way. I have another addy for you as well, but'll sort it out later on.
are we talking about planting the seeds of doubt?

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ahhhh plant a seed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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