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legends word of the day april 5th

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legend006 | 10:34 Sat 05th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Todays word is UNPROVEN.

What does it mean to you , in your own words ?

Alll answers weclome.


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whether or not I am a man or a woman Leggiebaby.
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Fair point ?
flat bread.
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its starting :-)
-- answer removed --
hhhmmm the mind wanders.

Now go away the noo with them pink handcuffs
In this world just about everything that I have not experianced for myself.
Legend -get tae fcuk and I am serious -give me a day or so- OK FFS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dris - leggy was sticking up for you last night.
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Well, if you're waiting for me sunshine,don't hold yer breath. I'm in bed with flu.

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legends word of the day april 5th

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