Being an absolute thunderstorm enthusiast, I am wondering whether the south-western region (Westcountry - more specifically; Exeter) will see thunderstorms this year. I don't mind how you answer this - an opinion is suggestable. Also, could anyone kindly hyperlink a/some website(s) relating to thunderstorms - I am mad about thunderstorms but don't know any websites which will help my interest
I love a good storm to Lov. My ideal holiday would be stormchasing in the US.
I live in th middle of England and we didn't have any last year. I could say wether your area would get any, I'm not a meteroligist, But lets hope we both get some crackers.
Frequency of storms around your area varies from year to year. I'm in Dorset and some years we've had up to 12 days with thunder and others with less than half that amount.