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Whistle while you talk

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bigmamma | 22:01 Mon 07th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
68 Answers
Just come off the phone after talking with my step-father and I , as always , ended up with the phone held at least 8" from my ear and trying not to giggle. I don't know what's wrong with his false teeth but there's an alarming amount of shrill whistling coming from them when he talks xxxx


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awww puss, wee spring lambs

theyre tasty! lol

no seriously, I went on a farm to feed them once and they were so cute I didnt think I would ever eat them again, and I didnt know they actually 'bounced' awwww
The farmer Is very good SHE is very concerned about them at the moment and if the new borns are cold she taked them into the barn. I see her going past my house with barrow loads of feed and hay and the sheep all come running and the little lambs just huddle up with each other. I shall take a film and put it on here when I get time in the next week.
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Aww that would be great puss , it's lovely to hear that she is looking out for them , and there's a barn :-) xxx
Hi there bm - xx You've created quite a thread here, and I've just come on, so rather than go back through it al, I'll answer your question.

Sorry - I had to giggle about the whistling teeth - but maybe it's YOU! Ooo-er. not got tinnitus, have you?!!!! Lol. xx
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Ice sweetie , hello , lol , no it's not me , he does it when I see him to talk to bless him . It's not so loud if it's not being amplified through the phone of-course :-D xxxxx
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Night night everyone , it's my bedtime , it's been fun thank you :-) xxxxxx
Started to giggle again when I re-read all this stuff!
Night bigmamma - sleep well hun - xx
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Night Ice , speak again soon hun :-D xxxx es/5.jpg

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