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legends word of the dya april 8th

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legend006 | 09:38 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Todays word is SUBSTANTIAL.

What does it mean to you , in your own words ?
Typos weclome.

"nearer and nearer "


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Morning Leg,

Substantial means just about enough!!

Like this meagre breakfast I am now eating! Just about substantial!!
Question Author

Gotta go funny

"nearer and nearer "
the amount of space you leave in between your posts

Morning Legend.

I have come up with a great idea. Fantasist or not, I still think its a great idea.

I come to Los Cristianos, come into your shop, chat you up, ask you out, you wont refuse because you just wont. We go out and when we get into bed that night, because again, you wont refuse because you just wont. And I say to you............................................Leggiebaby, I am Donna Kebab and I am really a man.

Well I think that would be very funny and I'd like for pictures to be taken too so we can all share the mirth.
Hi China.

I will take my web cam with me.

lol. x
I shall look forward to it.
Ewww, can you warn me when it's going to happen so I know to avoid, please?

Are you going to say it in a breathless Marlyn Monroe style?
Should I go Marilyn Monroe style or Johnny Wilkinson, which would you prefer.


Katie. x

Wiggle that bum baby, oh yeah!
picture the scene.

Dont tempt me.

but picture the scene.


Katie. x
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You wouldnt know who I was Legend. Because you just wouldnt.

And I will film it and put it on You Tube afterwards.



katie. x
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legends word of the dya april 8th

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