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4getmenot | 12:10 Tue 08th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
did anybody else see the couple that won �100,000.00 on a scratch card a year ago, they live in a council house and they had rent arrears they never paid. The money has all gone now and there is �40,000 they cannot account for, They want help with their rent & council tax hand outs. They are still in arrears with the rent. Do you think the tax payer should help them?


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Thing is, even if they do refuse to pay rent the council will still give them a home somewhere so really they are laughing. They should be made to sell the caravan.
Dread to think what would have happened if they had won a million pound! They seemed to think that because they paid off �13,000 of their original debt to the council, that this makes everything alright. To anyone with a debt like they had, and no doubt they had other debts that no-one knows about, you would have thought they would have been paid off first but no. So no sympathy here.
Laughed at your post Redcrx. That was amusing.

Just looked at the link you posted.

I am going to send them loads of clothes that I used to wear when I was her size !

At least then they can keep warm when they are lving in their caravan on �90 a week.

Katie x
They have no shame ! To go on TV snd show/tell the world.
Some people have no self respect.

Good for the council on this one.
Make them homeless and give their house to a deserving homeless person.

Words to sum these people up....
work shy

Anyone like to add a few more .....

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