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No Sound in Media Player

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IndieSinger | 04:08 Wed 01st Dec 2004 | Technology
4 Answers
Halfway through playing various files in Windows Media Player, it decided to stop making any sound. Videos and songs run, but no sound comes out. It's not my speakers because all other sounds work, just not if played through Media Player. I tried reinstalling it from the Microsoft Website but there is still no sound. Any ideas?


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I know this sounds obvious so forgive me saying this. Have you got the volume slider on the media player turned down? Sometimes is the obvious that we overlook. I have version 10 now, and just took a quick look at the settings. I cant see any reason why it should do what you are saying. :o)
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All the volumes are up. I've fixed it (temporarily?) by doing a System Restore to yesterday. Still don't know why it happened so randomly without me changing any settings.

Installing Real Player screwed up my sound!!

You need to load applications back up one by one, following your system restore and keep testing your speakers.

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I hadn't actually installed anything new... was just listening to some songs and then suddenly no sound. Speakers are definitely fine as all other sounds were as normal, only WMP sound was non-existent. It's still working since the System Restore, so fingers crossed.

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