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Did you know the more you sleep the thinner you get!!

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funnygirl | 16:05 Fri 11th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
This article recommends going to bed even an hour earlier and you will get slim!!!

Do you think, that if I go to bed at 5pm it will help!!!

sleep to slim


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I could reply to that ,but I think I'll refrain.
nite nite xx
-- answer removed --
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Oh go on Logic, let's hear your views!!
And no not unless you go to bed with me and I'll sweat it off you :-)
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Logic!!! remember where you are!!

Not in public, sweetie!!!

pa__ul, you're right, they're not overweight!!!

I may just go into a coma!!
One sleeping beauty siesta coming right up ... tell you in one hundred years ... lol
doesn't work i try every night ;-0
will that certain person (you know who you are ) stop posting on my old threads as I have to keep opening my e/mail to see who's posted,
Thanking you in anticipation. (__!__) yes you.
ROFL ...I only read as far as the second post , redcrx , and I haven't stopped laughing yet !!!!
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I hope you don't mean me Logic!

I've been thinking what time do you go to bed, if you weigh, supposedly 10 stones??
I could sleep for Ebgland if was an olympic event so how come I'm still on the large side?
just before teatime funnygirl :)

and get up just after breakfast
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I will go to bed after me tea and get up in time for my brekkie!!!!
Maybe wake up for me dinner and go back to sleep!!!
If you go to bed after a few to many to drink your body may get thinner but you wake up with a thick head instead !
Iff youre going home at 4 o clock ,better get going, oh ,
sweet dreams.

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Did you know the more you sleep the thinner you get!!

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