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auntsallyann | 12:53 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Law
16 Answers
Me and my boyfriend recently split up. he has quite a few credit cards and loans (his name only) he's sayng that its my fault that he has these debts and he is going to take me to court to make me pay half the debts. can he do this,


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No load of old rubbish.

He signed the credit agreements, he has to pay
well i think in law if the debts are in his name, they can only chase him for them. In the other hand if he can prove they were for things for you (not presents) or things that benefitted both of you then he might be able to take you to court. I'm sure someone with more knowledge than what i get on "judge judy" will bealong soon to help!
His credit card, he buys a washing machine for your flat for example, how could you be liable for this??? lol

he buys a car you benefit but are you responsible for payment? no chance lol
If he can prove you did it, even though it should be his responsibility as in his name, I;m afraid yes he can take you to court. If he says you said you would pay him back.
He is just threatening with this if you were married it would be different but just ignore the xxxx head x
4get unless he has something in writing how on earth could you prove it?

As an example:

An ex girlfriend bought me 2 pairs of trainers out of her catalogue for �100

We fell out

I get a call from catalogue company saying Miss X has said these trainers were for you

I politely told them that they were delivered to her address, it was her account and that I had not received the trainers and could they please never call me again.
He is responsible for paying the creditors. For him to take you to Court with any hope of success he would have to be able to show to the satisfaction of the judge that there was a verbal contract between the two of you. In other words, that you had agreed he should buy things on his cards/loans and that you would then be responsible for paying him the costs (or a part of them).

If there was a good reason why you might have done this - for example, if you have a bad credit record and can't get cards/loans yourself - then the judge might be persuaded that he was right. Otherwise, I think he would have a difficult job convincing the judge, but it's not impossible.

If you do have any possessions he bought (other than things that were said at the time to be gifts) it would be a good idea to offer them back to him on the basis that he then drops any idea of a Court claim. But get this put in writing and signed & witnessed.
I know but hey thats life rev. Someone I know bought lots of things as presents for her bloke and when they aplit up got all the money back claiming that he had said he'd pay her back. Nothing in writing. If it were up to me thats her own fault. But laws are stupid nowadays
No. Anyone who has a credit card in their name is responsible for the debt. Even for an additional card holder as they are the principal card holder and signed the agreement, regardless of what it is spent on. Every missed payment or failure to pay will lower his credit history score and may affect yours too if your details are financially linked. Do a 30 day free credit check of yourself to see what your score is and ensure he can't ruin your credit history. If you are linked to him, apply to have his history severed from yours, so when you are credit checked for credit cards, loans direct debits etc they don't see his poor history and refuse you because of it.

If he fails to pay and you live together ensure your possessions are not available for bailiffs to take, to satisfy part or all of the debt.

Look after number one and don't look back.
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thanks for all your answers, he never bought anything for the house or for us, he used to withdraw cash from the ATM machine (credit not debit card) and use the cash to fund his gamboling and drinking. I know 100% that he would not be able to produce a receipt for an item of furniture etc.
I am thinking he is up a smelly River.
Without any Paddles on this Boat.
If he has any receipts for houshold items or can retrieve this Info from his Credit company.
This was His share of household spendind and you may have no problems with it .
What I see as a problem ......But you need to have Changed is if the bills are coming to your home . Pass his new address onto any credit companys.
Not only can he become credit BLACKLISTED but your home address can also become affected.
I found out this shortly after buying my current home.

I personaly had a Great Credit refference. But needed a loan from the bank and found that they could not offer me credit.

I contacted a company to find out why this was.

And found out it was due to the previouse tennents.

Thanfully my solicotor sorted it out for us.
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Hi Info
I have written to his c c companies and also to equifax etc to have me disassociated from him.
Good Idea .... But ensure that if he decides to do a Runner they dont chase you.

Could end up becoming a messy situation and Credit companies dont tend to worry as long as they get what they want.
The creditors cannot chase sallyann - she says the cards were all in the name only of her ex. Whatever they might like to do, creditors know that any attempt to go to Court to pin a debt on anyone other than the person who actually owes the money will be thrown out - they would be unable to prove to the Court that the person they were suing actually owed them anything.

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