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Pocket money debate - opinions welcomed

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Laceymike2 | 19:20 Fri 11th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Ive been debating pocket money for our kids with my partner. I think they shoud do some basic tidying up/washing dishes/walk the dog/help with shopping etc etc but she dosnt. Am I being unreasonable to ask that they earn their pocketmoney?


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Work out a budget of what the maximum you will give and divide the tasks up adding up to the maximum.

Introduce bonus schemes and KPI's (key performance indicators)

Like stakeholders pensions pay a little more if invested in a childrens high savings account.

If the work is carried out with shoddy attitude then, insist the next chore is done gratis, like the business world.
no way how old are they ? i think kids should do little jobs to earn pocketmoney kids are lazy .....wish i made them start from a young age ....
Mine get paid a fiver an hour for jobs ... no work no cash ! Although I don't time them to the second like some folk - it shares the responsibility around. My daughter says there are some at Uni who are having an extra tough time cos they never learned the necessary skills to look after themselves at home. For a messy ( garden) or longer job I up their rate.
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I like what you are saying Abludmajid, I might even set out a rota for them and introduce qualtiy assurance tests as well. (theyre only 6 and 8 but its the principal isnt it? )
Kin ell sense4 fiver an hour le lippy works for just over that and she is a care worker.

Kids they dont know how well orf they are
just get them to do a few little jobs a day 5 pound a week is about right i would think .....
Indeed laceymike. The Empire wasn't built by idle thumbs!!!

It was built upon thrift, conservativism and knowing the value of Gold!!!!

As Adam Smith once said "the ABC of commerce is not so much the ABC but more the XYZ". I really hope that makes sense!!!
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We cant afford a fiver an hour either, they do get lots of treats during the week and both have got hobbis that cost a bomb! Think Im going to stick to my guns over this and suggest that they get a pound for each chore.
Youngest Junior Overall is 8 and his regular jobs include making his bed, tidying his room, puting his clean clothes away and putting the wheelie bins in and out. He gets �2 a week pocket money.
My 13 year old girl is a lazy git but gets �5.
My eldest (17) has a part time job so doesn't get any spending money.
No, I don't think you're being unreasonable. Not only does it help your guys out in the house, it teaches them that they don't get anything for nothing in life.
It's a tricky one but we have friends who pay by the job done 50 p a dishwasher etc. We are by far the stingiest parents in our neighbourhood, other kids around here get fifty quid a month for doing sweet fanny adams ... this is the only money that they are allowed to 'waste' on plastic crap make up etc at the other end of the scale we know from our previous neighbourhood kids who get paid for jobs then have to pay for their clothes etc. So I think we are somewhere in the middle ground ( honest ) One of our grown up friends said her Mother used to charge her tax on her pocket money!! I want the kids to feel rewarded not ripped off. Since my Son earns slightly less in his Saturday job the winging has stopped!!
Now why would you post this when you haven't got kiddies??
Here's a test, Mike!!!!

What sort of kitchen tiles did we supply for your Mrs??

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