Do you always allow yourself enough sleep? I went to bed at 11pm last night as I was very tired, yet I have been off work for 4 days and had mainly early nights all week. I think sleep is very important to your menal condition, I feel calm and relaxed this morning and ready to shop on ebay for an hour or two. I am off work and trying to rest my back, has anyone tried one of those wooden bodyshop back roller things?
I'm a very bad sleeper Dot. I have bouts of insomnia when I'm feeling stressed and it always leaves me wiped out after a week or so. I definitely notice the difference. I know people whinge about routine but it is important for settling the brain I think.
i dont sleep great during the week due to work pressure etc but at the weekend i catch up, i slept for ages last night, how people are on here at 3 4 am etc is beyond me, i was told once that sleep before 12 midnight is twice as better as any you get beyond this point