I just got a puppy and she looks so sad. She hasnt eaten and ve tried to give her liquids but she threw them up. What s wrong and what should i do. She is getting dehydrated and getting skinny.
Oh my word, get to the vet, please! She may have worms, or a bug. It could be very serious, especially as she is so young, and by the sounds of it, not very strong.
Please, PLEASE take her to her vet tonight, this evening, NOW!
Hope she gets well soon.
Snappy, you beat me to it! Was just going to post again to ask Raquellalo where the pup was from, and how soon "just" is, and how healthy the pup was on collection.
OMG I hope it's not one of these horror tales from a bad breeder.Please do as the abers have said to the vets a.s.a.p.Hope your little girl is soon well, good luck.g.
I do hate it when someone posts a question and people try to give them advice and then they get no feedback, surely they could say thankyou at least. I do hope that poor puppy is okay.
my miniature dachshund is 17 month old now but when she was a puppy, she kept being sick, and having diahhorhea and was really choosy with her food and sometimes wouldnt eat for 4 days at a time. she was also quite underweight.we took her to the vet a few times and tried her with different meds and eventuallly we had some of her poo sent to the lab for testing and the results showed that she had a bacterial infection of the intestines called Campylorbacter. she was given antibiotics and a light diet! she is fine now!