PMSL Ice, by the time i'd typed that, i couldn't be bothered to spell check it. I can't believe i'm a member of a site like this at times. I hate typing with a passion. lol
Well dabees thats ok and I admire you for finnally admitting the Sruff we all knew about it on here and can see what you was saying obout b an s but stuff happens dont it and will must admit OH BOY I LOVE THE BULL SH1T
ok you are cool and you have my respect now for a while but dont abbuse it.
I wasn't trying to do a Lucy thomas on you dabees! lol - it's just that when I read it, I knew what you meant - and hoped others would, too, otherwise it would've read as "EXCEPT for the truth!"
No, no - I think you're intelligent enough!
We'll all have to borrow knobby's spell check thingy max! I know I've been making mistakes all evening!!!!
You're right of course - and that's been my problem as well. Not so much the spelling, as perhaps the grammar - and maybe spelling as well! Doh - the keys keep sticking for a start!
Intelligent enough to explain yourself dabees. Intelligent enough to run another site as well.