My 11 year old moggie is having problems eating. Everytime he munches his dinner, he runs away half way through like his food has scared him! He puts his paw to his mouth like he's trying to remove something. Today he even sounded like he was choking. We've looked at his teeth and they look fine. Any vets/experts got any ideas. Much appreciated!
For all medical questions, we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your vet. Please do not rely on, or wait for, advice from Answerbank users.
The cat needs to see a vet asap. He could have something stuck in his throat or an absess that needs immediate treatment. With respect, we can't give advice on here on such serious problems
Been to vet today - he thinks cat has mouth pain of some sort. Will need to sedate him to have a proper look - especially as my cat is prone to ripping arms of people who look inside his mouth!! I'm sure he'll be fine. Thanks for your help!