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kawa4 | 22:00 Sun 13th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
look's like it's all kicked of here and iv missed it oh s**t. never mind hope u all had a good weekend cos i did. just got back from motox. my boy raced in the best of british b.s.m.a. national's and finished 26. yep that's across the hole country. i am so proud of him.


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welll done

its tame really

handbags at 20 paces

just ignore it and the dust settles

its when folk join in as outraged from london

that makes it worse lol
Good to be proud of your son best of luck to him. I have had a good weekend, yesterday did nothing but flitted about here and there, but today went to a table top sale in the village and had a bit of fun I sold some stuff and made �50 which isn't a fortine but better than a kick up the bum.
Question Author
r u sure thats u leg u always take up more of the page than that lol. thanks puss. my lad jumped a few table top's 2day. glad u made a few quid
Well done to your son kawa , you should indeed be proud hun :-) xxxxx

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