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bigmamma | 21:03 Sun 13th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Evening lovelies , what snacks have you got in for tonight , and have you started on them yet ? xxxxx


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not sure if i fancy casualty 1907 but not muchh else on

watchin zorro on 5

bit crappy
bm I can eat and drink any thing i like . Levelled at 10stone at the age of 20 I am now 49 and still the same as i was then :-)

but my chest has moved down to my belly :-(
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Evening Psychick honey , hope baby settles down so you can enjoy your takeaway . Lovely to see you ;-) xxxxx
That must be gravity eh dustypuss , is it
Hiya folks I see that it is another pleasant evening on here. Duels at dawn seem to be looming.

I have a packet of Quavers at the moment and a glass of wine they go together beautifully.
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Hi pussnboots , pistols at dawn , good idea :-D
xxxxx 51/951_p58.2.jpg
pusss its alll theatrics

i bored of it now and ive left knobby to it with whiff

im ready for casualty


wassup with her ???
wassup with who legend ? I don't watch Casualty I faint at the sight of blood.
I like that bigmamma still uses my......n......I lost it ages ago thanks to that blasted beta sight and now it has gone forever.
Watching the end of Foyles War ....Well watching and using the laptop to surk the WEB ....
In fact also watching the Third World War kick off in here tonight.
Will the mods shut the site down Monday for a cooling off period maybe.
I used to moderate a chat site once and its amazing how quickly you can lose control.
surk the web ....I mean surf ....After being in IT for 22 years ..I still cant type
Hi bigmamma - just popped into News & saw this nice thread on Recent Posts.

We've just come back from a nice long walk - brrr, it's very chilly out there! We nipped into the Offie on the way back & I treated myself to a bag of Revels! Yum, yum!

Sleep well all. -xx-
Question Author
Hello randyraven , and smudge , sorry I missed you last night , ....I like Revels too smudge :-) xxxxx

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