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Word of the Day

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legend008 | 09:07 Mon 14th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Legend's word of the day is FACSIMILE. What does that mean to you? speshal prises for speling.


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I think it means put a smile of your face today. It would be nice if everyone did ! ! !
An exact copy , a reproduction , duplicate
It is the fax machine, being able to send a document from A to B.
ah funny and leggy
Stupid bint, it's not at all ,It's only simmily to a fax machine.
ah but bigmamma is close enough there.

these axotic caribean birds dont know nuthing. :-)
exotic even

Morning b/m funny and leggy, and Burston don't be silly why would we want a smile on our face at this time o night ? :-(
Why Logic, I see you have managed to fix your keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good grief funny how far back do you read, through old posts,

Can't hang arround annoying you much today, cos i've got a long things to do list,
Morning logic , and funnygirl ;-) xxxxxx
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i have

morning folks :-)
That is one^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^........don't be fooled.
legend008 is the real deal

Can prove
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