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British Invasion

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EngTeach | 00:08 Tue 15th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Wish me luck. My school is being evaluated tomorrow by a team from England.(Why from there when we are in NYC, I will never know!!!) I will be glad when it is over. The admin. is driving us nuts with prepping and making a big show. I just wanna teach, not perform.

I was not chosen to be one of the people who speak to them. HMMMMM, I wonder why??? LOL Hopefully this means they will steer clear of my classes. Maybe i will take a sick day. :0


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Is there a Question somewhere in this?
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No, just chattering, as it is "Chatterbank".
To answer you query,ET...I am sure you will do just fine. As a yank living here amongst the English I can promise you they are as afraid of you as you are of them HTH?
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They will have a heart attack in my place!!!
I often wonder what they really think and if overall things are that different.

Thanks for the well-wishes. (Hope the kids don't choose this week to set the bathrooms on fire.)
I would hope that your school would stay well away from anything that is English at the moment This present govenrment is the pits they are hell bent on ruining everything ....schools.....NHS.....manufactoring......the only chance you have under this lot is if you are a a terroist asylum seeker wanting to blow everyone to bits then you will be ok but god forbid you have paid all your life and worked your socks off and fall onto hard times then I'm afraid you will get sod all.
you are to be held to the, er, high standards of teaching? I don't think you have anything to fear
sorry, that should have been high English standards of teaching...
Question Author
Does anyone live in country where they think the educational system is working???

All I know is that "data driven instruction" is the new thing.
Here's fifty bucks please bribe one of the kids to stand in the corridor with a hobby horse a lantern and a sign post pointing to North Church ... and shout the British are coming, lol. If you actually have a student called Paul Revere even better.!
They are thinking of getting rid of traditional subjects-ie maths,history,geography.....and replacing with more general lifestyle related topics(that may or may not encompass the traditional)... to help students cope with 'the modern world'...duhhhhhh
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Believe me sense4all, that joke has been going around the staff room and with the kids for weeks!!! When the principal reminded the kids in an assembly about "Our special British Guests" my class started murmuring "The British are coming" I had to shush them, b/c guess where they got that from????
Maybe they could stage a tea party as entertainment.......just a thought.
This is where you end up with over monitoring ... league tables, some people follow these judgements as if they are gospel from on high ... mmmm?

this is as Adrian Kronneur would say the all new and improved school stats for all over the country.

I can tell you that in the Southern end of Bucks are some of the most privelidged little darlings in the S>E of England. If you want to read about schools that are deemed to perform well look at Beaconsfield, The Chalfonts and Amersham ( mixed standards at primary level but two Grammar schools age 11 plus ) to get a feel for the likely comments or feedback if they follow our format.

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Thanks. It all looks very familiar. HMMM... Wonder why??
Thanks for all the feed back. My lessons for tomorrow are so tight, you could bounce a coin off them!!

I am off to make/find dinner.
Talk later

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