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morning all

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bobtheturkey | 09:21 Wed 16th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
mwah etc


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hiya bob--no mwahs for me thanks--but mornin all the same
Morning bob , nice mwah ...what's the etc consist of ? :-D
Brave of you to ask bigm. Good morning bob.
never quite sure if a mwah sounds more like the beginings of a sinister cackle!

good morning bob, beejay, Richie and bigmamma! x
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lots of banality mamma hello you, richard and beejay
Question Author
thank you bob!
Morning Bob,

Hope you're bobbing along!!
Hey Jules, how is life is the fast line?
morning my bewty :-) I;m still cracking up at the ammount people love themselves on here and think if they wernt here this site would crumble. lol Anyway Mwah to you too.
Morning bob, hows it going, what you lot been up to then? havent been on for days and days?
Beautiful morning up in sunny Scotland
Banality bob ?....Cliches , triteness , platitudes .....on here ?
Good morning everyone xxxx
err Richie, i do think you're getting me mixed up with someone else. My life is hardly what you'd call fast lane lol but im good thank you! :-)
Cool, that's all that matters Jules.
Good morning Bob and everyone :)

Just having a quick cuppa and nose through before i head off to work.

Have a good day all :))))
Morning everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxx mega mwah !
Mwah to you bob - if I was a sensitive sort I might think there was some sarcasm intended here!
morning everyone, im

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morning all

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