Left leg in 2 places when I was 2 (climbing the ladder of a slide in wet wellies)
Right arm when I was 9 (sister pushed me off the top of a haystack)
Nose (various dates rugby, fighting twice and falling down)
Left elbow when I was 18 (trying to climb in my bedroom window when I was drunk - also punctured my lung or diaphragm but I'm not sure which as I was full of morphine when they told me and all I knew was I was lucky to be alive and it hurt to cough)
Skull when I was 19 (had to have my ear sewn back together and surprisingly the two injections of local anasthetic didn't work, that was excruciating!)
Left wrist when I was 20 (doctor couldn't tell it was broken from the original xray and I didn't get it put in plaster for 3 months after that as I thought it was just sprained coz it didn't really hurt with the ibuprofen I was taking for the sore knee I'd gotten by jogging)
2 small toes on my left foot when I was 23 (playing barefooted footy with a beachball in a livingroom and the fireplace won)
I've also staved some fingers from various accidents and being trampled at rugby,
been knocked out twice in drunken brawls,
had an operation when I was 3 weeks old for not being able to eat
and apparently I was suffocating on gunk when I was born and had to be brought back to life.
I've also overdosed and come back to life through chest compressions
and I don't think it will be very long before I do myself a mischief at ju jistu, my neck has been killing me all day after last night's efforts.
I'm 25 this week!
Am I winning? lol!