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News from Croxteth

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sir.prize | 22:07 Wed 16th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
At last - the police have charged the scum who murdered little Rhys Jones


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That is good news, hope they lock them up for life.
Great!! They should be locked up for life,meaning life, fed ony bread and water,no matress's just a hard base and no privaleges what so ever!!
That is good to hear, lets hope they get life.
Excellent! Just hope they don't receive a "cushy" time in jail. x
Hi haysie, josie, Louisa - x
nobody waiting to hear if the jury agrees, then? Innocent until proved guilty and all that nonsense?
Yes jno - you're right. There must be enough evidence to go on though - didn't a "supergrass" come forward and spill the beans? The evidence of what was given by the informer, along with other stuff the police'll have, must've been enough for a charge to've been brought.
I think what we're really saying is, that whoever's brought to justice for this senseless murder, deserves everything they get.

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