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I've created a new group

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4GS | 13:15 Fri 18th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
On facebook it's called "Chatterbankers of the world united"

Invitations have been sent oot, if I've missed anyone then please feel free to join


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w00p! I will look out for it john!
i havnt joined face book
so cant be on your list
monty xxxx
Is it open to anyone??
ive accepted 4GS! Just need to go and look now!
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Yep everyone is welcome to join
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I just joined and when I had five friends waiting to be accepted :S I knew I had one email from someone inviting me there but cant remember 5 lol
Hello 4gs, thanks for the invite =) Hope you are OK today x
Thanks John -will scoot across and accept x

pix -im there -you want to be on my friends list -or do you regret publicy announcing you are on FB now -lol xx
I have joined out of curiosity, but I doubt much will happen.
I've accepted 4GS, thanks.

Had a wee look around, looks good. Well done you :)
I didn't get an invite! :-(

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I've created a new group

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