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Crispy Duck

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Wong | 13:10 Thu 02nd Dec 2004 | Food & Drink
5 Answers

Does anyone know an easy way to make the pancakes for Chinese crispy duck? The duck, sauce and extras are sorted!




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Thanks Paulz. I'm not sure if it is easy enough for me though - watch this space
Perhaps you don't have to make them. I'm sure I've seen frozen ones which you can defrost and then steam to heat them. Or you could talk nicely to the staff at a local Chinese restaurant and see if they'll sell you some.
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Thanks Allen. I'm sure you're right. Even the Chinese restaurants must buy them in. Surely they can't all get them to come out at the exact same size?!! I haven't found anyone yet that is prepared to admit it. I will, probably after Christmas, try to make them courtesy of Ken Hom(& Paulz) but, if you find a reliable supplier, I'd love to hear from you again.


Wong - don't know where you live, but to save the hassle of making them, try a chinese wholesaler, there's a massive one in Croydon, on the Purley way.  They also sell frozen wuntun skins too, delicious.  Let us know how it goes, I've never been brave enough to try it.

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