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good answers all, I forgot about Mullholland Drive. Great film! Weird and hard to work out, but great! No hay banda!!!
1) Name a film: Where there is a main character, and there is another character, but both are in fact playing different dimensions of the same person.
+++I can think of Fight Club, Machinist.
2) Name a film: whose main device is to show a scene, and then to show the same scene at the same time, but shot from a different angle
+++++Go, Before the Devil Knows You're dead. I think Phonebooth did this a bit too, but not as a major device. Pulp Fiction.
3) Name a film: whose main device is to completely mess with synchronicity, by:
3.1) Presenting scenes (temporal order) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 as 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
+++Memento (well done), Irreversible (to much greater effect, a fabulous, if disturbing, film).
(there's more than one)
3.2) Chopping and changing between temporal order of scenes.
++++Pulp Fiction, for sure, Reservoir Dogs.