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I tried a dozen times to get on here last night!!

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funnygirl | 09:56 Mon 21st Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
To no avail.

The main screen was just frozen!!

Did anybody have trouble getting into AB last night??

Hope I did not miss anything!!!!


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i tried loads just after nine ish kast nite and the page just would not load it was a blank screen for ages! i gave up lol
who is A B ?
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Well, it sure ain't you Loggy!
Yes funnygirl , AB was doing its usual slow Sunday and more last night , as you can see from last nights posts it played up for ages and improved later on , :-) xxx
took me sodding ages! i too gave up and went to bed to read dragons of pern. im off to do my final piece of coursework which i have to cut down by 400 words by friday

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I tried a dozen times to get on here last night!!

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