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house deeds

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polar | 14:03 Tue 07th Dec 2004 | Business & Finance
1 Answers
I am still paying my mortgage am i allowed to keep my deeds myself or can i only get them when it is payed.


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The old answer is that the lender keeps the deeds until the mortgage is paid off. The new answer is that title to registgered land (and it is hightly unlilkely that the title to yolur home is not registered) was "dematerialised by the Land Registration Act 2002. This means that the title to your house is maintained on HM Land Registry's Computer, and that all you or the lender can ever get on paper is an Official Copy of that title. Neither you, nor your lender will keep the deeds. However if there are any old deeds, going back to pre-registration days, your lender will have little interest in holding thme, and you should be able to have those.

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