"Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes."
These are two lines of a Wilfrid Owen poem. As you can see, rhyme is required only in the final syllables...'eyes/byes'. Accordingly, what rhymes with 'violin' is just about any word ending in 'in'! Here's an example...
"Just after I came in
He played his violin."
Not as good as Owen, obviously, but it fits the bill.
You raise your fiddle to your chin,
That's how you play the violin.
You draw the bow across the middle,
That's how most people play the fiddle.
No matter how you hate this verse
You'd hate my fiddle playing worse!
Is anyone else thinking of Tom Lehrer's Irish Ballad?
'She set her sister's hair on fire, sing rickety-tickety tin...'
And as the smoke and flames grew higher
She danced around the funeral pyre
Playing a violin, -lin, Playing a violin.'