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Ugly Bob.

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mudflap | 18:29 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Funny thread that below lol.

I always get the impression that Bobtheturkey is really ugly and it seems others share the view lol.

Whiskeysheri is a babe i suspect.

Legend somewhat overweight?.

am i correct?


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so's julie...;)
Now how would you know that gonzo???? You've never seen me!
gonzo, Jules is seriously beautiful!

mudflap, I wouldn't believe everything you read. :)

Saying that, though, bob is very handsome! No idea about legend.
errr gonzo i wouldnt believe everything you read either^^^^^^^
;-) Thanks anyway hun! xx

I would never lie, gonzo, NEVER! She's everything I say. You are, Jules</B. :) x
Can I add my vote to the "bob is gorgeous" pile please?
There are loads of very attractive people on here, myself being one of them, what about you mudflap? Bet you're a complete fox :)
what I'd like to know is how much Bob paid all these people lol

Jules, Whiskey and the rest of my FB/CB to you in the AM

Night night
whiskey is the most beautiful bird on AB
jules...i jus know! ;)
OK then I will take a chance now - what am I like??!!
Bob isn't his name.

He's just cruel to turkeys.

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