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contesting a will

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jadzia49 | 12:38 Tue 22nd Apr 2008 | Civil
4 Answers
my mother left all her money to my twin brother . can i contest the will , though i can't prove she was mentally incapacitated or was coerced?he helped her make up the will 10 years before she died but kept it a secret even after she died until I insisted on seeing it


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You can contest it, but I don't see that you have any grounds and it will cost you a small fortune.

Was she mentally impaired?
Why not simply pretend you're your twin and collect the money?
You may be able to claim for reasonable financial provision from the estate. You certainly fit into one of the classes of claimant. However, if you are adult, of working age and able to work, and have not had any dependency on your mother, your claim will be less likely to succeed. Time limit is 6 months from grant of probate.
Like Ethel says, you can contest the will and watch your solicitor get your inheritance if you win, and if you don't, then you will have a large legal bill to pay.

The only winners will be the solicitors.

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contesting a will

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