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Phone Numbers!!!

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force690 | 17:00 Thu 24th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I keep getting one number ringing us 4/5 times a day. Due to circumstances, we really don't want to answer it. Is there any way t find out who is calling without returning the call? Usually I Google the numbers and I can find them, but this number doesn't want to be found. Does anyone know of any websites that will let me find an address with just a number?


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Ha Ha I read it as 45 times a day. You should call back maybe something serious they need to tell you about car
believe it or not fluff, I usually make a lot of savoury items & cakes are only a recent thing (long story) but lets just say you could build houses out of my cakes!!! & I've only in the past 4 years or so, manage to suss out the problem & so now I do basic cakes that the family enjoy with a lovely light texture.
It's a shame BOO isn't on here anymore but as long is she is well. I joined FB to see what all the fuss was and cancelled my membership 2 days later - enuff said, not my cup of jack daniels I'm afraid lol!
take care x

sorry force!

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Phone Numbers!!!

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