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daffidazey | 17:32 Thu 24th Apr 2008 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
What are you all having for tea?
I have baked sweet potato topped with cheese, beans and coleslaw! Delish!
daffi x


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Yes, they PROVIDE lunch. I couldn't believe it either. It's a proper restaurant on the top floor with a menu like you would get in any restaurant LMAO!

Not only that, they have coffee machines on every floor like the ones you get in Starbucks for you to help yourself FREE.

There's an in-house gym too.

All in all, I'm saving an absolute fortune as I don't need to buy anything other than basics for my food cupboard during the week and I cancelled my �45 per month gym membership with JJB.

I found out last week that everyone working on the project I am gets a bonus every quarter too, based on how much money they have made, apparently the average is �800 or so! Roll on July's wage LOL

I had a very</b. late lunch of garlic & herb pita filled with avocado....and some I may bake a butternut squash later-or not-lol .........I wish I had some sweet potatoes in the house.....I roast mine til they are crispy round the edges.
I had sweet chilli chicken with noodles which tasted so much better as my son had cooked it for me when I got in from work
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ooooh yum! x
I love food threads!

My rabbit is ready for the melting, daffi!! *lol*

You got a bunny too, leelapops?
I just had a tomato sausage sandwich on a massive scuffler and I have jelly babies, mint imperials and mini eggs for when heroes comes on :D

oooh I love talking about food lol
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I think so too! Personally, I think it's all a bit OTT, but I'm not going to complain LOL
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Me too, have a nice evening xx
Dakota, you are very lucky! :) Your job sounds full of perks. If only every company got it that right!!

I have a choccy easter bunny I named Percival, and I just can't get round to eating him...he is HUGE!!

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I'm on my way, leela, with the marshmallows and strawberries! Lol!
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